Sunday, April 28, 2013

C4T #4


why i teach
This week I was assigned to the blog titled, Intrepid Teacher.  Jabiz Raisdana is a Language Arts and Humanities teacher but also teachers Global Issues and Journalism.  He reads, writes, photographs, and makes film.  Jabiz has an amazing philosophy and passionate and enthusiastic about his work.

I strongly recommend checking out Jabiz Raisdana's Philosophy.

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge
"Free human dialogue, wandering wherever the agility of the mind allows, lies at the heart of education. If teachers do not have the time, the incentive, or the wit to provide that; if students are too demoralized, bored, or distracted to muster the attention their teachers need of them, then that is the educational problem which has to be solved- and solved from inside the experiences of teachers and students." -Theodore Roszak 

"Human beings learn by sharing.  We learn by communicating.  We learn by being honest in out dealings.  We learn through expression.  We learn by being open and passionate and curious.  We learn when we are engaged and involved."  

In Jabiz's post on February 21, 2013 titled, Blogs from the Mouths of Babes, Jabiz explains his approach for integrating blogging into his English classroom and raises interesting points.

To get an idea about how the students felt about blogging, he had them all write a paragraph on his statement:

Blogging is an important part of an English classroom.  

make writing fun!
The approach: Coached students to set up a blog, explained etiquette and gave them freedom to won the space

We are not formally assessing anything that goes on the blog, and there is no obligation to blog at all.  We are hoping to see what kids write when they are given a space and freedom to write.

Personally, I am in love with this approach although it may have its pros and cons.  I need the inspiration and time and freedom to gather my thoughts, begin writing, put it down for a while, and get other input before I feel comfortable publishing.  Forced publishing to the web can create trail for you that you did not want to create or does not truly represent you.  This approach would be more appealing for integration.

Having too much freedom can be concerning.  Jabiz brings up the valid point that some students might need more structure to foster creativity and imagination.

How do we find this balance of what is expected and graded and what is free of choice?

Jabiz post on April 17th titled, Formula for Engagement, was about working with her 8th grade journalists.  She explains creditability when testing the facts and the gray area between fiction and nonfiction.  Jabiz stresses the importance of keeping students engaged and motivated.

Three quotes stand out:
students science

"You can either think of yourself as a thirteen year olds writing for a teacher in an English class, or you can think of yourselves as writers who demand to tell a story.  There is a difference." 

There quote shows the importance of audience.  Also she is rising the expectations for her students to excel in their writing.

"No amount of technology will motivate kids, if the pedagogy and the content and the teachers love for the material is not there." 

The necessity for positive reinforcement, encouragement, and praise will motivate students to continue to want to learn.
comic surprise

"The formula for engagement is simple- Students need high expectations and challenges but they also need every once of energy we have to maintain enthusiasm and love for what we teach.

As you can see, engagement and enthusiasm is crucial to a positive and healthy learning environment.  I left Jabiz a comment that had tips on how to maintain engagement.

-Show personal importance and relevance through videos, discussions, sharing, group work.  This can also be done with videos showing peers excelling and enjoying the idea.

-Make it fun! Play games and have rewards

-Be enthusiastic! Show them your passion and why it is so important.  Apply the learning to everyday situations.

Example case study:  Supporting Students' Motivation, Engagement, and Learning During Uninteresting Activity

Carl Rogers

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