Carl D is an 8th grade student in Mr. Boylen's Language Arts class in Iowa. The last blog post that Carl wrote about was a response to a question that Mr. Boylen presented. The question asked, "What do you think your as a student gain from blogging with students and others outside of the school? Is it worth the time? Why/why not?" Carls response was he gains conversation, meeting new people, and discussing opinions on books. I left a comment for Carl. I introduced myself and let him know that we are blogging too in college. I agreed that blogging was useful for his stated reasons, and I asked him what his favorite subject is and how bloggin has been working out for him. Check out Carl's blog.
Francis is a 6th grade student in Adelaide, Australia in Mr. Paul Heubl class. His last post was a creative writing paragraph it seemed like. He is such a terrific writer. I introduced myself in his post and let him know that I am student here at South and that we are blogging as well in our class. I asked him what his favorite subject was and if was into writing. Check out Francis's blog.
William is in Ms. Lentine's K Harbor 7 class. I commented on Mia's post titled, Wretches and Jabberers; Larry + Tracy posted on March 27, 2013. William writes about a visit from Larry and Tracy and their documentary about Autism. The documentary demonstrates the use of assistive technologies to help communicate. William writes an analysis and his feelings about the situation. William gets a different perspective on autism and comes to the realization that autistic people are different, diverse, but are just the same as you and I. He seems appreciative of this perspective. I commented on his blog on March 31, 2013. I introduced myself as a student at USA and I agreed that although people are different, we are all humans. I asked her if him asked any questions and what questions. I also asked him to tell me his favorite part of the presentation. Check out William's Blog.
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