Sunday, February 24, 2013

Project #10 Finding the Right Tool

Finding the Right Tool

My plans as a health educator are unconventional compared to academics in the United States so it was difficult to think of a specific tool that would help me in my teaching.  Because I plan to be in third-world countries, there are many unforeseen variables that can interfere with a direct plan.  I understand that I will have to flexible with my plans and anticipate change.  For example, there may not be a good internet connection or reliable source of electricity.  A language barrier will be considered.  So while I was thinking of what we would have to work with, I came to the conclusion that the best tool for my classroom would be the iPad.

I would have to purchase several for the classroom.  An iPad would be a practical tool because it is portable, and I plan to be nomadic.  Moreover, I can download different applications and games that could help the students learn about health, the human body, and nutrition.  I could use a language and translation application to ease the language barrier. This way I could learn with the students as well!  Furthermore, I can download different presentations for classroom time and project it on a larger screen for the students to experience.  The iPads could also be tools to help show the children about more global issues.  This would expose the children to different people and cultures.  How cool would it be to have a class video chat meeting with another classroom all the way across the world?

In Joni Garcia's blog titled Communicate Nutrition, she introduces Prezi presentations, "a cloud-based presentation software that launches you into a new world between whiteboards and traditional can create visually captivating presentations that explore ideas and the connections between them....[Prezis] allow more creativity in a 3-dimensional platform."  Therefore the presentations are not linear! Some of the cool features outlined by Joni about Prezi are:

progression of learning
--> Imported media:  Youtube videos, power points, images, PDF's
--> Add storyline
--> Present online or offline
--> Collaborations in real-time
--> Prezi Viewer iPad app: view, retouch and present your Prezis from you iPad

Prezi is only one example of many applications that will help my students and I learn.  I could use the iPad to download books and share them.  There are many educational apps available from, "...interactive lessons to study aide to productivity tools, there's an app for every learner." First, I would download the lessons, videos, and applications that I chose and organized.  Then I would use the iPad as a presentation aide during classroom time.  I could divide the students into groups to interact and learn through various applications and games.  I would also use the iPad to create study aides and reminders to the students.

Overall, the iPad is just the beginning of the all the educational tech tools that will help.  Hopefully, I can incorporate more when the time comes.


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