Dr. Strange, professor of EDM310, arranged a short clip titled, Did You Know? 3.0 A John Strange Version, linked in the heading. The original Did You Know? 3.0 was done by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod. Basically, these clips try to eliminate egocentrism and put the big picture into perspective by utilizing statistics, simplifications, and comparisons. I believe the message Dr. Strange is trying to convey is that technology is progressing at an exponential rate; therefore, we need to adapt to survive. Very true! Strange highlights how common technology is in today's American society by surveying households with cell phones and computers and how often the devices are used. For example, "3 years ago 93% of all 8-18 year olds in the United States had computers in their homes. It's more now!"
Personally, I agree that many people in the United States either have computers in their homes or can get access to computers in libraries or schools. However, third world areas have little access to computers. On the military base in the Marshall Islands, there are no cellphones, personal vehicles, or malls for that matter. Kwajalein is a three mile island! I was fortunate enough get a solid education on the base and learn English. Five RMI (Republic of the Marshall Islands) students of hundreds of applicants are chosen every year to attend Kwajalein High School from K-12. The island city of Ebeye, a ferry boat ride away, does not have reliable running water. Electricity of the entire island often goes out without prior notice, and computers are not common. To get perspective, my brother was teaching classes on Ebeye when he was a sophomore in High School. Getting to my point, making connections between industrialized countries illustrates that technology is advancing faster than we can keep up with, but I would like to see this comparison go global.
As for cell phones, I did not have a cell phone until I was 18. I recently went without a cell phone for six months excluding an emergency go phone for long trips. This was one of the most peaceful experiences. I did not spend all day replying to text messages. Instead, I spent more time focusing on school, me, relaxing, and nature. I love technology, and I love the most effective work, however I enjoy not being completely dependent; I can use my calculator, but I know how to solve the problem myself without one.
A detail in Strange's version that stood out to me was, "the top jobs ten years from now do not exist yet." This blows my mind! Technology is advancing at an exponential rate, I plan to keep up and survive. Funny, my grandfather still cannot figure out how to use the remote. This makes me wonder how I will be with technology in fifty years. In the original version, I was impressed that, "it is estimated that 4 exabytes of unique information will be generated this year." This is great because here I was thinking that all of my ideas had already been thought of, researched, and observed. Additionally, Fisch and McLeod mentions, "the amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years...for students starting a 4 year technical degree this mean that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third." This illustrates the importance of the commitment of being lifelong learners and embrace technology with all of its benefits.
Mr. Winke Wakes by Matthew Needleman
Mr. Winkle Wakes is a short video clip done by Matthew Needleman. In essence, the clip is about a man who has slept for the last hundred years and wakes up only to find himself unfamiliar with a technologically literate world. The only place where Mr. Winkle finds comfort and familiarity is a schoolroom of teachers lecturing and students taking notes.
There is a hint of humor and satire in this clip. I agree with Matthew's point in this video. The world is changing so fast around us, however classrooms are changing at a slower pace. I agree that teachers should get the training to make technology in the classroom an effective tool instead of a frustrating burden that is feared.
Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson delivers a powerful message in his lecture, Ken Robinson says school kills creativity, linked in the title. Ken gives a different perspective on the importance of creativity and how society and education ranks the Arts. Personally, I loved Mr. Robinson's ability to add humor while delivering an essential message. I took out of his lecture that creativity is not to be overlooked. He mentions that all humans are born with a creative mind and a curiosity to learn. Through education, that creativity is lost when children become fearful of being wrong. In a society that stigmatizes mistakes, can we blame them? "We are educating people out of their creative capacities". All of Ken's stories were not only entertaining, but supported his points as well. This quote in particular stood out to me. "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original."
A story that resonated was about the young dancer, Gillian Lynne, who was having trouble in school and with the help of a doctor found her passion, talent, and success as a dancer. Ken Robinson also points out the creativity should be diverse, dynamic, and distinct. I have never really thought about how education systems lack support in the arts, however after Ken's lecture, I can relate. I agree that education systems should not only cater to mathematics and language, but encourage creativity through the Arts. Who is to say that one focus is better than another?
As I was watching this clip, a friend walked into my room. I immediately started it over and we watched Ken's lecture together. When we finished, we discussed the video. His thought were, "if we continue to base what we learn according to what other people determine is most important, then we are wasting our creativity and originality just to become something that someone else wants us to....that we aren't destined to be." He prefers to remain anonymous.
Both clips, Mr. Winkle Wakes and The Importance of Creativity point out that education and schools are dynamic. In a rapidly changing world, no one can guess what the future holds. A revolution in education and teaching will have to take place. Students should be able explore their questions and interests without having a teacher give them direction or study, but rather how to find the answers and give them an environment to do so.
Students do not want to listen to lectures all day. It was illustrated in Mr. Winkle Wakes how classrooms have stayed the same for the last 100 years while the world is not slowing down. Giving the students an avenue to explore education and learning while curiosity and creativity are at their peek will keep students engaged and challenged. David Truss pointed me in this direction today. Makes me want to go hmmm..... The video gives a little perspective on college students today. Enjoy!
I have no experience with Pinterest, however I have created one today. My new Pinterest is FincherW. Follow me! After reading Four Ways to Use Pinterest in Education by Aaron Morrison, I think Pinterest can be helpful in my future classroom. Pinterest is helpful to create lesson plans, sharing ideas, organization, and student use. I am always up for new ideas to improve my teaching, and I believe Pinterest has enough people networking that I can benefit from other's ideas. Thousands of minds are better than one. Surely sharing ideas ties into help on fun lesson plans. Pinterest would be a great way to communicate with other teachers and parents. Morover, I am entertained with the idea that I do not have to bring my flash drive everywhere with Pinterest. I can have an online storage with folders for my work. Although I would utilize student use, I believe it might be unfair to assume that all students will have access to a computer, especially if he or she cannot drive yet. The last thing I would want to do is assign a project to make one of my students feel embarrassed.
Of the 20 Best Pinterest Boards about Education Technology, I chose to follow:
Vicki Davis: Vicki has such an rockstar attitude that attracts me to her board.
TED ED News: I was exposed to a few videos by David Truss sponsored by TED ED such childhood author and presentor as Adora Svitak.
Education World: This is about science and technology. Need I say more? I love science!
Debbie Fucoloro: Technical tips and tricks for beginners will help me to get started on my intellectual journey.
ISTE: I figure since this is the only International Society for Technology and Education, that this board would have essential information.
This is my first experience with Pinterest, and already I am in love with the concept and agree that this site will be an essential tool for teaching. Pinterest will help collect and organize ideas and collaborate with other teachers. I liked the idea that students can use this Pinterest to create mini dictionaries for foreign language classes. I am excited to jump on the Pinterest wagon to learn, improve, and share.